We Don't Change, We just get older

 When Observing My Surroundings I think...tooo much.

I've been thinking, a lot lately. Scary, I know. We all do from time to time. If you have advice on how not to think all the time, I'm all ears. However, upon noticing throughout my 31 years of life. I know not ancient, but old enough to compare experiences, interactions, and situations. I know none of this probably makes any sense, and it may not make any sense by the end of this,but. This is my observation and complete opinion.

Lately, I have been having a lot of life thoughts. Where am I going? How am I growing? What is my life long goal? Kind of life's purpose questions, etc. Without trying to be too depressing, whilest thinking of these things. I have a tendency to end up feeling like I've failed in some way or another. Which then leads to, who do I ACTUALLY have in my life? will I end up alone? This then triggers a complete whirl wind of thoughts that leads to a very depressive mind set. So, as you can see I try not too think too deeply because, bad day for me and everyone around me. (I wear my heart on my sleeve)

TO THE POINT! observation, We don't change, we just get older. Now I know we obviously change in the physical sense, even mental maturity, and are cells are always replacing themselves. I'm aware of the scientific nonsense behind change etc. However! I have noticed that nothing changes from childhood to adulthood. We still have that best friend, whether or not they are meant to be there forever, they are there for now. That group of friends that we get together with occasionally. The same insecurities we felt in high school going to the gym, the store, or just out and about. Wondering do I look okay? Are they judging me? Talking about me?  At the work place we have cliques, obviously not in the sense of popular, geek, jock, but in the sense of certain people hang with certain people. Others may or may not feel left out, excluded, not as liked etc. 

Why have I had this observation you say? The last two years of my life would be a prime example.Will not get into the boring details, HOWEVER, We all have those friends or friend that only really calls if they need something. The co workers who seem to be nice to your face, but alas talk about you behind your back. (you do it too, let's all just take a minute and admit it) The insecurities walking into the gym feeling like others are looking at us judging how we are doing something, our size, etc. Lastly, the most important thing that never changes.......We always want, what we don't have. 

This is a huge fact of life. I remember from the time I was a child I wanted to be older, get to experience what adults do. Now I sit and wonder what the hell was I thinking? Bring back nap time and no bills, less responsibility. Women want long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, big boobs, little boobs, curves, no curves. Things we have wanted since puberty. It doesn't seem to change at all even the older I get. 

I'm not sure this ever changes? Is there an age you hit where you just really no longer care? I wish it were 31. I definitely care less than I did when I was 21, however would like to care just a little less. Think a little less, worry a little less. 

See the source image


Well that's it for today, hoping to have something more interesting next time. haha maybe some recipes, or cooking for the day. till then friends! 


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